rumqttd 0.10.0

Distributed, embeddable mqtt broker library

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native-tls support

This crate, by default uses the tokio-rustls crate. There's also support for the tokio-native-tls crate. Add it to your Cargo.toml like so:

rumqttd = { version = "0.5", default-features = false, features = ["use-native-tls"] }

Then in your config file make sure that you use the pkcs12 entries under certs for your cert instead of cert_path, key_path, etc.

port = 8883

pkcs12_path = "/root/identity.pfx"
pkcs12_pass = "<your password>"

Here's what a Rustls config looks like:

port = 8883

cert_path = "tlsfiles/server.cert.pem"
key_path = "tlsfiles/server.key.pem"
ca_path = "tlsfiles/ca.cert.pem"

You can generate the .p12/.pfx file using openssl:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out identity.pfx -inkey ~/pki/private/test.key -in ~/pki/issued/test.crt -certfile ~/pki/ca.crt

Make sure if you use a password it matches the entry in pkcs12_pass. If no password, use an empty string "".